Brand new website

Hey people, It’s time to bid farewell to this WordPress site, as I’ve finally bought a domain and hosted a static page that links to all my latest projects and social links. Also minor symmetrical changes I’ve made in the logo for the new page. Hope you notice. Be sure to check it out. Feedback…

Process manager

This manager helps you to handle multiple promises effortlessly. This library will handle processes and its sub processes and its sub process and so on… Simplest Code Developers Build dist Just a simple node program run on build.js file. Make sure you have npm and node installed. If not click here On terminal do the following…

EC Movies

EC is abbreviated as Encryptor code. This webapp is built over Google App Engine that provides an interface to browse movie tickets and book them. The actual goal of this app is to present you the No-password login system. To login in this app you do not require any passwords. Access link : ec-movies The new way…

Infinity Calc Android

Infinity Calc provides simple functions for numbers that are larger than the capacity of a normal calculator. •  Operations supported: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division •  Expressions would follow the BODMAS rule of math •  Brackets can be added to change the precedence of operations. •  Themes can be selected. A special Dark theme is added…

Infinity Calc

The aim of this project is to enable users and programmers to perform calculations of integers that are more than the limits of the calculator or compiler. Click here to download This project contains 2 major components: Logic and the UI UI The UI basically comprises of 6 elements which serve their own purposes. Quick…


This is a whole library of functions that i created using C Language. For more details of each function click on the links below. Draw box function – Click Here Screen border function – Click Here Select option function – Click Here Load dots function – Click Here Text box function – Click Here Pass box function –…

Wrap text function

To use this function in your program, all you have to do is to follow the below given steps. Step 1: Include the following header files in your program for this function to work with your Step 2: Copy the para_box function above your code to access it from within your program. Following are some snaps…

Drop box function

To use this function in your program, all you have to do is to follow the below given steps. Step 1: Include the following header files in your program for this function to work with your Step 2: Copy the drop_box function above your code to access it from within your program. /** * Drop_box() Function…

Para box function

To use this function in your program, all you have to do is to follow the below given steps. Step 1: Include the following header files in your program for this function to work with your Step 2: Copy the para_box function above your code to access it from within your program. Following are some snaps…

Pass box function

To use this function in your program, all you have to do is to follow the below given steps. Step 1: Include the following header files in your program for this function to work with your Step 2: Copy the pass_box function above your code to access it from within your program. Following are some snaps…